Trois questions à Misato Mochizuki (lire)
in: Ensemble Alternance, Program book 2003/04
Génétique musicale, in: Nouvelles de Royaumont, July 2000, page 7 (lire)
Nihon Keizai Shimbun (The Nikkei -daily newspaper about economy-):
”New Music -Hints for beginners-" (August 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2013)
Yomiuri Shimbun (daily newspaper) :
-Quarterly criticism around music (since January 2008~)
-About the festival A Tempo in Venezuela (Aug. 12, 2005)
-About "Praise of Shadow" written by Junichiro Tanizaki (Sep.1, 2003)
Asahi Shimbun (daily newspaper) :
<around the world> (2000-2006)
NHK Symphony Orchestra's monthly magazine "Philharmony":
-News from France (2003-2008)
-"Mahler and I" (Sep., Oct., Nov. 2003)
Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra's monthly magazine "Orchestra":
* Monthly musical essay (2001-2002)
- An encounter can bring a « restarting » (Sep. 2001)
- The potentiality of studio recordings (Oct. 2001)
- Attend to the performance of an old work (Nov. 2001)
- Symposion in Vienna (Dec. 2001)
- Composition forum 2001, on « composition and criticism » (Jan. 2002)
- Miscalculation of the new composition (Feb. 2002)
- Lecture in a school of photography (March 2002)
- Being invited to the mountain villa (April 2002)
- A happy encouragement : Audience Award at Ars Musica (May 2002)
- On « Météorites » and my musical thoughts (June 2002)
* Accompanying the orchestra's Europe tour 2003 (April 2003)
* Listenning to Kurtag's « …Concertante… », on its Japanese premiere (Jan. 2004)
* About Gerd Albrecht, the musical director of YNSO 1998-2007 (Oct. 2006)
Chronicle of my thoughts and trials on composition, in Ex Musica No.4 (March 2001)
Musical news from France, in : the Japanese music magazine Ex Musica 2000-2002
Japanese music magazine « Ongaku Geijutu » 1997-1998 :
- One year study at IRCAM, a rich experience with many discoveries (Dec. 1997)
- On Festival d'automne à Paris 1 (Jan. 1998)
- On Festival d'automne à Paris 2 (Feb. 1998)
- On Festival Présences 98 1 (April 1998
- On Festival Présences 98 2 (May 1998)
- At the end of the Akiyoshidai International Seminar and Festival (Nov. 1998)